The Spanish science comedy group “The Big Van Science”(Big Van Ciencia), will be coming to Malta once again to perform their acclaimed children’s show, Clowntifics.
A wide variety of interactive experiments will be taking place onstage and the audience will get the chance to be part of the action! Last year a similar event was held at the Malta Society of Arts in Valletta, attracting more than 100 people. This year the show has been moved to a larger venue and will feature experiments with glow in the dark chemicals, dry ice, and much much more in their new and updated version of Clowntifics!
The target audience for this show is children aged 4 to 11.The event will be held at Teatru Salesjan on Sunday 11th March from 4:30pm onwards.
For the adult-only event check out the science comedy event: Brightclub meets Theatre
This event is organised by the Science in the City, Malta team and the Malta Chamber of Scientists.
Keep checking their Facebook event page for regular updates.
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