Free Hogwarts Classes for Harry Potter Fans - Malta Baby & Kids

Free Hogwarts Classes for Harry Potter Fans

Free Hogwarts Classes online

  • Date & Time
    • April 11 - June 17, 2020

Artwork by Alexandria Neonakis

  • The online community, Hogwarts is Here, allows Harry Potter fans to take real, virtual Hogwarts courses–for free.
  • With classes like Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration, you can even take exams and write actual essays

There's no need to venture out to platform 9 3/4 and board the Hogwarts Express, thanks to Hogwarts Is Here. After making an account, the site allows members to take the very same classes attended by the students of Hogwarts.

Once you make an account, you can choose whether they'll be a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff. (Expert tip: the Sorting Hat can officially sort you at Rowling's You'll then have access to lots  of classes for first through seventh years, from Defense Against the Dark Arts to Transfiguration.  There's even a syllabus and reading materials, and you can take a quizzes, exams, and write actual essays.

One of the features of the site is its interactive activities, which allow you to communicate with fellow fans  in your Hogwarts House dorm, Hogsmeade, or the Quidditch pitch.

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