International Museum Day - Malta Baby & Kids

International Museum Day

International Museum Day

  • Date & Time
    • May 18, 2024

Join in on May 18th for International Museum Day at Fort St Angelo. Dive into a day of art, learning, and digital fun!

Explore the iconic fort, enjoy panoramic views, and get inspired by the French Pavilion's blue-themed exhibits.


  • 10 am: Guided tour (Maltese)
  • 10 am – 12.30 pm: Digital workshop for youths (18+) with WikiMalta
  • 11.15 am: Art activity for kids (5-8 years)
  • 1 pm: Guided tour (English)
  • 2.30 pm: Art activity for kids (9-12 years)
  • 4 pm: Guided tour (Maltese)

Admission: Normal rates apply. Book your spot now for a fun-filled day!

Pre-booking for the workshops and art activities – available through WikiMalta and respectively – is required to ensure a personalised and in-depth experience.

More informations by clicking here

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