Il-Klabb SoÄ‹jali tas-SoÄ‹jeta’ Sant’Andrija, fil-lokalita’ ta’ Ħal Lija, għal darb’oħra se ttella’ l-presepju ħaj: wirja li ta’ kull sena tiÄ¡bed lejha eluf ta’ Maltin u turisti li jkollhom iÄ‹-Ä‹ans jgħixu għal ftit l-esperjenza tan-Nativita’ fit-toroq tipiÄ‹i Maltin.
Kif jixhdu r-ritratti, il-wirja se tkun tikkonsisti f’numru ta’ stadji jew mixjiet, li jirrakkontaw il-Ä¡rajja tal-Milied kif ukoll it-tradizzjoni folkloristika marbuta ma’ din l-istorja. Fuq kollox, tispikka l-grotta fejn twieled Ä esu’ Bambin.
Il-wirja tiftaħ fil-20 ta' Diċembru fis-7.30pm u tkompli s-Sibt, il-Ħadd u l-Ħamis (Jum il-Milied), kif ukoll tmiem il-ġimgħa d-dieħla (is-Sibt u l-Ħadd) bejn is-6pm u t-8.30pm.
The Social Club of Saint Andrea Society, in the locality of Hal Lija, once again will be presenting a live crib:a showcase that every year draws thousands of Maltese and tourists alike, who are given the chance to experience,for a while,the Nativity in the typical Maltese streets.
As the photographs show, the exhibition will consist of a number of stations or walk throughs, which recount the story of Christmas as well as the folklore tradition tied up with this story. Above all, the grotto where baby Jesus was born is the main attraction.
The exhibition opens on the 20th of December at 7.30p.m. and continues on Saturday,Sunday and Thursday(Christmas Day),as well as the following weekend (Saturday & Sunday) from 6p.m. to 8.30p.m..
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