Thursday 28th March 2013 – (09.00 – 12.00) – Places still available
Wednesday 3rd April 2013 – (09.00 – 12.00) – FULLY BOOKED
Mystery Quest
Every museum holds its mysteries. In this activity, children participating will be engaged in a quest to solve a mystery that has taken place in the museum. Given a number of clues, the participants will have to analyse, follow leads, support their arguments with facts, gain insight on how archaeologists work by analysing clues and remains, all while working in a team.
At the National Museum of Archaeology (Valletta) for ages 10 to 14. Maximum number of Participants is 18.
Booking required. To book a place, please call on 23954239.
All the HM children’s activities are by booking: – this link provides up to date information on what is fully booked http://heritagemalta.wordpress.com/current-events/educational-events-2/ .
Price 5 Euro. Culture Card accepted.
When booking for this event kindly let them know you saw the event advertised on www.maltababyandkids.com