Romeo & Juliet Forever – produced by Masquerade and directed by Wesley Ellul.
This is a 90-minute musical piece involving young actors inspired from Romeo & Juliet and the TV show Glee. Malcolm Galea has been commissioned to write the script which will incorporate many musical numbers. These will be pop pieces from different eras that will be mixed together. Songs will range from Frank Sinatra to the Beatles to Lady Gaga, all mixed together. The song lyrics are the original but the songs chosen have lyrics that are appropriate to the scenes. There will be a live band. A choreographer will work on all the movements/musical pieces. The cast will be made up of around 20-25 young actors who will be chosen from an open call of auditions. Wesley Ellul has been commissioned to direct this innovative piece which should make one of Shakespeare’s greatest love stories accessible to a young audience.
Venue: St Agatha’s Auditorium, Rabat
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