On the 26 and 27 August from 10am till 1pm as once again Esplora will welcome the team behind the project Saving Our Blue. This event is a fantastic opportunity for visitors to engage in the important work being done by Saving Our Blue, a conservation initiative in Malta, which aims to protect and preserve the marine environment and coastal ecosystems.
Led by a dedicated team of environmentalists, scientists and local volunteers, Saving Our Blue's mission is to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable practices, and to advocate for the preservation of Malta's marine biodiversity. During the event, the Saving Our Blue team will be delivering a drop-in session at Esplora, where visitors will be able to meet with them. The highlights of the session include virtual reality experiences and interactive games focused on saving our Maltese marine environment.
More information on our website page: https://esplora.org.mt/saving-our-blue-2/