In its restoration of the Lascaris War Rooms and the War H.Q. Tunnels in Valletta, Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna has come across what was a long lost part of the original War H.Q. In effect, the rediscovered part is a massive underground bunker started in 1941 and never finished due to the war having ebbed away in 1943 while it was still under construction.
The unfinished bunker is located on two levels within the subsoil of the St.Peter and Paul Counter-guard in Valletta. It covers an area of some 8.000 square meters and is by far the largest part of the War H.Q. footprint. In the early 1950s orders were given to block all access and the building was permanently sealed and this time permanently forgotten. Due to this decision the interior of the building has been freezed in time with all rails, mining carts, spoil heaps and equipment left in place as if the workers were to come back to carry on their work.
Now after almost 70 years in that state Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna will offer the public the first ever opportunity to visit this long lost massive building under Valletta. Due to its unfinished and vast nature all visitors will need to join a guided tour. Three introductory tours will be offered at 10.30am, 11.30am and 12.30hrs on Sunday 17th March 2019. Each tour will take roughly an hour. A printed history of the places inclusive of archive maps will be given to every visitor. Personal torches are advised in case of emergency and sensible shoes are to be worn. Plastic hats will be distributed. The tours on offer will be exclusive ones and will not be repeated for some time. A maximum of 150 visitors will be allowed on the three tours not more so prior booking is advisable by sending an email to